Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Referee cost game for Wings

Game 3 of our series with the Ducks was no easy game for the Wings. Unfortunately the Wings lost a tight game 2-1 largely due to a horrific, game changing, no goal call from the ref. With a little over 1 minute left in the 3rd period, the Red Wings put a puck in the back of the net with 6 men on the ice. The ref supposedly lost sight of the puck and was "intending" to blow the whistle when Marian Hossa poked the puck into the net. This was a non reviewable call and coincidentally lost us the game.

Don't get me wrong about the game itself, for a good portion of the game, the Ducks were just a better team then us, but after Henrik Zetterberg scored a goal late in the 2nd period, the Wings seemed to kick it into gear. Jonas Hiller is standing on his head this post season, and combine that with the Ducks stiff defense it seems impossible to score on them. The Wings had 45 shots on Hiller and only managed that one goal.

This series is getting ugly and I am sure the Wings will come hungry after being robbed in game 3. Expect a much better outing for the Wings in game 4. O, and expect sparks to fly

1 comment:

  1. It was a great hockey game ruined by a horrific call. Honestly, I just don't quite understand, the puck was out in the open. Just a terrible job by that referee, and unfortunately it definitely cost the Wings a chance at winning that game. Hiller has been sick, and it is going to be tough for the Wings to get past these Ducks. If the Wings do win this series I think it will be in 7 games, and it will be their toughest on the way to the Cup.
