Friday, May 29, 2009

Stanley Cup Finals Preview

To be honest, I should just pop in a DVD of last years finals to show a preview. We all know who won that series. This year however has brought many injustices to the Detroit Red Wings.

First of, the finals were pushed up to "keep fans interested". We all know that the only people watching the Stanley Cup finals are the 1000's of Wings fans, and the 100's of Penguin fans. They will watch no matter what, the rest of the American population doesn't even know who Sidney Crosby is. You would think, o this goes both ways, FALSE....Pitt has young legs and no injuries, the Wings are more "seasoned" and played their last game missing their captain and best player, Nicklas Lidstrom, their top scorer Pavel Datsyuk, top face-off man Kris Draper, and our best defensive rookie Jonathan Ericsson. Chances are that Ericsson and Lidstrom will play, but at what percent?

I would just like to say one thing...Wings fans bitch for a reason, the NHL hates Detroit, they want Sidney Crosby to win a cup more than they want to breathe....Gary Bettman is an ASS!!!

Now to the preview:

Top 2 Line Forwards:

Pittsburgh: It is hard to deny that Pittsburgh is extremely talented up front with their top 2 lines. With Sid and Evgeni Malkin both leading the playoffs in points the NHL realizes the powerhouse we have on the ice. Aside from those two you have Jordan Stall, who has impressed not only me, but many Wings fans (hint hint Ken Holland), he plays gritty and is a great face-off guy and also great penalty killer. Other contributors are more of role players, but Pittsburgh spreads the wealth in their lines....just get the puck to the top 2 and you're good enough.

Detroit: Detroit is talent heavy all over their roster, but it is no more evident then on their first line. When healthy, Detroit has been playing Henrik Zetterberg, Pavel Datsyuk and Tomas Holmstrom on line 1. On line 2 they have Valterri Fillpula, Marian Hossa, and my favorite, "The Mule" Johan Franzen. Dan Cleary is sometimes thrown in the forray, but this is generally our top two lines. This line doesn't have the firepower of Malkin or Crosby, but they have a more well rounded lineup. Our 2nd line has been amazing in the playoffs and I believe when on top of their games that Datsyuk and Zetterberg are the best duo in the NHL.....Casual fans disagree....

EDGE: W/ PAV - Detroit W/O PAV - Pitt


Pitt: The Eastern Conference is not known for their strong defense, and I believe Pittsburgh is no exception to the rule. The top d-man for the Penguins is Sergei Gonchar, and he is great, hell of a point scorer and great defensively also. After him you have goon Hal Gill, Kris Letang whom is prone to mistakes, Phillipe Boucher, Brooks Orpik, Rob Scuderi, and Mark Eaton. These men mostly just fill up space as they cannot contain any offense the Wings throw at them, I promise.

Detroit: What else is there to say about the Wings defense except amazing. Best D-Man ever, Nicklas Lidstrom, linemate Brian Rafalski, a great scorer that is rarely out of position, knocking guys unconscious we have Nicklas Kronwall, scaring forwards world wide, his Bash Bro Brad Stuart, the amazing rookie Jonathan Ericsson (6-4 Giant of a man) and Speedster Brett Lebda. Our Defense is amazing with the puck and keeping you off the puck. This is no contest

EDGE: Detroit by Landslide


Pittsburgh: Marc Andre Fleury played better in last years playoffs and we know how that ended up. In all seriousness though he is a talented goalie. He is the future of goalie in Pitt and will frustrate more shooters than shooters frustrate him. He will have to be sharp because we will sling many pucks at him (Just ask Christobal Huet). He is quick and has the potential to be a difference maker in the finals.

Detroit: The Wizard of Oz has been amazing in this years playoffs, any new news. Osgood scared many fans going into the playoffs, but knows when to turn up the heat apparently. He leads the playoffs in GAA and has made many amazing saves on his way to the top. We will see Ozzie at his finest, or we will go home.

Edge: Detroit

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